The 2nd International Workshop on
Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '03)
Sponsored by NSF, DARPA
IEEE Signal Processing Society
IEEE Computer Society (pending)
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
and in cooperation with AAAI
April 22-23, 2003
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
Palo Alto, California, USA
Call for Papers
Papers are closed out
Closing date for early registration is March
Closing date for regular registration and hotel reservations is April 7
Following the successful first Workshop on
Collaborative Signal and Information Processing in Sensor Networks (
this new workshop will bring together researchers from academia, industry, and
government to present and discuss recent work on information processing techniques
and applications for sensor networks.
Information processing in sensor networks is an interdisciplinary
research area with deep connections to signal processing, networking and protocols,
data bases and information management, as well as distributed algorithms. Because
of advances in MEMS micro-sensors, wireless networking, and embedded processing,
ad hoc networks of sensors are becoming increasingly available for commercial
and military applications such as environmental monitoring (e.g., traffic, habitat,
security), industrial sensing and diagnostics (e.g., factory, appliances), infrastructures
(e.g., power grids, water distribution, waste disposal), and battlefield awareness
(e.g., multi-target tracking).
From the engineering and computing point of view, sensor
networks become a rich source of problems in communication protocols, sensor
tasking and control, sensor fusion, distributed data bases, probabilistic reasoning,
algorithmic design, system/software architecture, and design methodologies.
This workshop will take a systemic approach to address cross-layer issues, from
the physical sensor layer, to the sensor signal processing and networking levels,
and then all the way to the applications. It will bring together experts working
on various aspects of sensor networks such as information organization, querying,
routing, and self-organization, with an emphasis on the high-level information
processing tasks that these networks are designed to perform.
Topical areas include, but are not limited to:
- Array signal processing
- Coding and information theory
- Detection, classification, and estimation
- Distributed networked sensing and control
- Embedded architectures and tools
- Energy and resource management
- In-network processing and routing
- Programming models and languages
- Query processing and optimizationv
- Real-time resource scheduling
- Security
- Sensor tasking and control
- Sensor fusion
- Simulation tools and environments
- Target tracking
- Applications (e.g., automotive, battlefield, bio,
disaster recovery, environmental, medical, security)
In addition to contributed papers, invited speakers from
key areas will cover fundamental research issues and applications for sensor
network information processing.
Key Dates
Abstract submission deadline: December 2, 2002
Full paper submission deadline: December 9, 2002
Acceptance notification: January 20, 2003
Camera-ready copy: February 7, 2003
Conference: April 22-23, 2003