Travel Grants
WSNA Workshop
DSI Workshop
SensorMap Tutorial
Sensing Tutorial
Local Information
Visa Issues


The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) brings together researchers from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss recent work in the emerging field of wireless sensor networks. IPSN draws upon many disciplines including signal and image processing, information and coding theory, networking and protocols, distributed algorithms, wireless communications, machine learning, embedded systems design, and databases and information management.

To further foster the collaboration between theory and system researchers, this conference will feature two interleaving tracks:

  • IPSN, focusing on information processing algorithms.

  • SPOTS, focusing on platform tools and design methods for network embedded sensors.

IPSN will also host the following exciting events:


Technical Program

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

8:30-9:00 Introduction
Leonidas Guibas and Matt Welsh, IPSN Program Co-Chairs

9:00-10:30 IPSN Session #1: Networking, Theory and Practice
Session Chair: TBD

The Worst-Case Capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks
Thomas Moscibroda, Microsoft Research

DESYNC: Self-Organizing Desynchronization and TDMA on Wireless Sensor Networks
Julius Degesys, Ian Rose, Ankit B Patel, and Radhika Nagpal, Harvard University

Improving Wireless Simulation through Noise Modeling
HyungJune Lee, Stanford University;
Alberto E. Cerpa, U.C. Merced;
Philip Levis, Stanford University

A Control Theory Approach to Throughput Optimization in Multi-Channel Collection Sensor Networks
Hieu Le Khac, Dan Henriksson, and Tarek F Abdelzaher, UIUC

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-12:30 IPSN Session #2: Applications and Localization
Session Chair: TBD

An Empirical Study of Collaborative Acoustic Source Localization
Andreas M. Ali, Travis C. Collier, UCLA;
Lewis Girod, MIT;
Kung Yao, Charles E. Taylor, and Daniel T. Blumstein, UCLA

Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Masoomeh Rudafshani and Suprakash Datta, York University

Robust System Multiangulation Using Subspace Methods
Joshua Ash and Lee Potter, Ohio State University

Underground Structure Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks
Mo Li and Yunhao Liu, HKUST

12:30-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:30 IPSN Session #3: Inference and Consensus
Session Chair: TBD

Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks
Laura Balzano, UCLA;
Robert Nowak, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Differential Nested Lattice Encoding for Consensus Problems
Mehmet E Yildiz and Anna Scaglione, Cornell University

Distributed Consensus and Linear Functional Calculation in Networks: An Observability Perspective
Shreyas Sundaram and Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, UIUC

Robust Message-Passing for Statistical Inference in Sensor Networks
Jeremy Schiff, Dominic Antonelli, Alexandros G. Dimakis, David Chu and Martin J. Wainwright, U.C. Berkeley

3:30-4:00 Break

4:00-5:30 Keynote Speech: Ethernet is the Answer; What is the question?
Bob Metcalfe, Polaris Venture Partners

5:30 Free time to return to hotel, etc.

6:30-10:00 Conference dinner


Thursday, April 26, 2007


8:30-8:45 SPOTS Introduction and Best SPOTS Paper Award


8:45-10:00 SPOTS Session #1: Hardware Platforms 

Session Chair: TBD

A Platform for Ubiquitous Sensor Deployment in Occupational and Domestic Environments
Joshua Lifton, Mark Feldmeier: MIT Media Lab
Yasuhiro Ono: RICOH
Cameron Lewis, Joseph A. Paradiso: MIT Media Lab

A Reconfigurable Architecture and Efficient Data Sharing Mechanism for Modular Sensor Network Nodes
Dimitrios Lymberopoulos: Yale University
Bodhi Priyantha, Feng Zhao: Microsoft Research

A Higher Capability Sensor Node Platform Suitable for Demanding Applications
Thomas Hammel, Mark Rich: Fantastic Data

10:00-10:30 Break

10:30-11:45 SPOTS Session #2: OS and Services

Session Chair: TBD

RETOS: Resilient, Expandable, and Threaded Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks
Hojung Cha, Sukwon Choi, Inuk Jung, Hyoseung Kim, Hyojeong Shin, Jaehyun Yoo, Chanmin Yoon: Yonsei University

Interface Contracts for TinyOS
Will Archer: University of Utah
Philip Levis: Stanford University
John Regehr: University of Utah

Location Service for Point-to-Point Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Jorge Ortiz, Daekyeong Moon, Chris Baker, Rodrigo Fonseca, Ion Stoica:
UC Berkeley

11:45-1:15 Lunch

1:15-2:30 SPOTS Session #3: Design Tools

Session Chair: TBD

Worldsens: Development and Prototyping Tools for Application Specific Wireless Sensors Networks
Guillaume Chelius, Eric Fleury, Antoine Fraboulet: CITI INSA Lyon, INRIA Ares

Micro Power Meter for Energy Monitoring of Wireless Sensor Networks at Scale
Xiaofan Jiang, Prabal Dutta, David Culler, Ion Stoica: UC Berkeley

sQualNet: An Accurate and Scalable Evaluation Framework for Sensor Networks
Maneesh Varshney, Defeng Xu, Mani Srivastava, Rajive Bagrodia: UCLA

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-4:00 SPOTS Session #4: Applications

Session Chair: TBD

The Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Sensor/Actuator Network for Autonomous Animal Control
Tim Wark, Chris Crossman, Wen Hu, Peter Corke, Pavan Sikka, Ying Guo, Philip Valencia: CSIRO ICT Centre
Caroline Lee, Julian O'Grady, John Henshall, Matt Reed, Andrew Fisher: CSIRO Livestock Industries

Energy-Optimized Image Communication on Resource-Constrained Sensor Platforms
Dong-U Lee, Hyungjin Kim, Steven Tu, Mohammad Rahimi, Deborah Estrin, John D. Villasenor: UCLA

L-SPECks: Laser Spectroscopic Trace Gas Sensor Networks
Stephen G. So, Farinaz Koushanfar, Anatoliy A. Kosterev, Frank K. Tittel: Rice University

4:00-6:00 Extreme Sensing Competition (in parallel with IPSN/SPOTS posters)

Chair: Kamin Whitehouse


4:00-7:00 IPSN/SPOTS Posters
Session Chair: TBD

Exact Distributed Voronoi Cell Computation in Sensor Networks
Boulat A. Bash and Peter J. Desnoyers, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Maximize the Data Utility of a Data Archiving & Querying System through Joint Coding and Scheduling
Junning Liu, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
Zhen Liu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center;
Don Towsley, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
Cathy Honghui Xia, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures Using Wireless Sensor Networks
Sukun Kim, Shamim Pakzad, David Culler, James Demmel, Gregory Fenves, and Steve Glaser, University of California at Berkeley;
Martin Turon, Crossbow Technology, Inc.

Pipenet: A Wireless Sensor Network for Pipeline Monitoring
Ivan Stoianov, Imperial College;
Lama Nachman, Intel Corporation;
Sam Madden and Timur Tokmouline, MIT

The Impact of Quasi-equally Spaced Sensor Layouts on Field Reconstruction
Alessandro Nordio, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, and Emanuele Viterbo, Politecnico di Torino

Hybrid Transition Density Approximation for Efficient Recursive Prediction of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
Marco F. Huber and Uwe D. Hanebeck, Universität Karlsruhe

Wireless Localization Using Self-Organizing Maps
Gianni Giorgetti, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze;
Sandeep Gupta, Arizona State University;
Gianfranco Manes, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze

Energy-efficient Routing for Signal Detection under the Neyman-Pearson Criterion in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yang Yang and Rick S. Blum, Lehigh University

Energy-efficient Coverage for Target Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wei Wang, Vikram Srinivasan, Kee-Chaing Chua, and Bang Wang,
National University of Singapore

A Spatial Sampling Scheme Based on Innovations Diffusion in Sensor Networks
Zhi Quan and Ali Sayed, UCLA

Distributed Sparse Random Projections for Compressible Sensor Data
Wei Wang, University of California, Berkeley;
Minos Garofalakis, Intel Research;
Kannan Ramchandran, University of California, Berkeley

Harbor: Software-based Memory Protection System for Sensor Nodes
Ram Kumar, Eddie Kohler, and Mani Srivastava, UCLA

Lucid Dreaming: Reliable Analog Event Detection for Energy-Constrained Applications
Peter Dinda, Sasha Jevtic, Mat Kotowsky, Robert Dick, Charles Dowding: Northwestern University

MeshEye: A Hybrid-Resolution Smart Camera Mote for Applications in Distributed Intelligent Surveillance
Stephan Hengstler, Daniel Prashanth, Sufen Fong, Hamid Aghajan: Stanford University

Design and Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network for Intelligent Light Control
Heemin Park, Mani Srivastava, Jeff Burke: UCLA

A Compact, High-Speed, Wearable Sensor Network for Biomotion Capture and Interactive Media
Ryan P. Aylward, Joseph A. Paradiso: MIT Media Lab

An Active Sensing Platform for Wireless Structural Health Monitoring
Daniele Musiani, Kaisen Lin, Tajana Rosing: UC San Diego

7:00-8:00 IPSN Business Meeting


Friday, April 27, 2007

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

8:30-10:00 IPSN Session #4: Data Representations and Storage
Session Chair: TBD

Approximate Isocontours and Spatial Summaries for Sensor Networks
Sorabh Gandhi, UCSB;
John Hershberger, Mentor Graphics;
Subhash Suri, UCSB

FlashDB: Dynamic Self-Tuning Database for NAND Flash
Suman Nath and Aman Kansal, Microsoft Research

Hierarchical Spatial Gossip for Multi-resolution Representations in Sensor Networks
Rik Sarkar, Xianjin Zhu, and Jie Gao, Stony Brook University

Sparse Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks
Jie Gao, Stony Brook University;
Leonidas Guibas, Stanford University;
John Hershberger, Mentor Graphics;
Nikola Milosavljevic, Stanford University

10:00-10:30 Break

10:30-12:00 IPSN Session #5: Power Management
Session Chair: TBD

Communicating via Fireflies
Suman Nath, Microsoft Research;
Phillip B. Gibbons, Intel Research Pittsburgh

Dozer: Ultra-Low Power Data Gathering in Sensor Networks
Nicolas Burri, Pascal von Rickenbach, and Roger Wattenhofer, ETH Zurich

Link Layer Support for Unified Radio Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
Kevin Klues, Guoliang Xing, and Chenyang Lu, Washington University in St. Louis

Power Scheduling for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
Christopher J Rozell and Don H Johnson, Rice University

12:00-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:45 IPSN Session #6: Security and Programming
Session Chair: TBD

MiniSec: A Secure Sensor Network Communication Architecture
Mark Luk Ghita Mezzour, and Adrian Perrig, CMU;
Virgil Gligor, University of Maryland

The Regiment Macroprogramming System
Ryan Newton, MIT;
Greg Morrisett and Matt Welsh, Harvard University

Channel Surfing: Defending Wireless Sensor Networks from Jamming and Interference
Wenyuan Xu, Wade Trappe, and Yanyong Zhang, Rutgers University

2:45-3:15 Break

3:15-4:30 IPSN Session #7: Detection and Tracking
Session Chair: TBD

Object Tracking in the Presence of Occlusions
Ali O Ercan, Abbas El Gamal, and Leonidas Guibas, Stanford University

Probabilistic Detection of Mobile Targets in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks
Loukas Lazos, Radha Poovendran, and James A. Ritcey, University of Washington

Tracking Multiple Targets Using Binary Proximity Sensors
Jaspreet Singh, Upamanyu Madhow, Rajesh Kumar, and Subhash Suri, UCSB;
Richard Cagley, Toyon

4:30: Conference close


  • General Chair: Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC)

  • Program Chairs: Leo Guibas (Stanford) and Matt Welsh (Harvard)

  • SPOTS Chairs: Bill Kaiser (UCLA) and Ralph Kling (Crossbow)

  • Competition Chair: Kamin Whitehouse (UVa)

  • Demos Chair: Phil Levis (Stanford)

  • Finance Chair: John Heidemann (USC/ISI)

  • Industry Sponsorship Chair: Joe Hellerstein (UCB)

  • Local Arrangements Chair: Seth Teller (MIT)

  • Poster Chair: Haiyun Luo (UIUC)

  • Publications Chair: Bhaskar Krishnamachari (USC)

  • Publicity Chair: Ying Zhang (PARC)

  • Registration Chair: Jie Liu (MSR)

  • Web Chair: Chenyang Lu (WUSTL)

Steering Committee

  • Feng Zhao (Chair), MSR

  • John Cozzens, NSF

  • Deborah Estrin, UCLA

  • Leo Guibas, Stanford

  • P. R. Kumar, UIUC

  • Sri Kumar, DARPA

  • Jose' Moura, (IEEE SPS Representative) CMU

  • Janos Sztipanovits, (ACM SIGBED Representative) Vanderbilt

Technical Program Committee

IPSN Track

  • Peter Corke, CSIRO

  • Abbas El Gamal, Stanford

  • Sandor Fekete, TU Braunschweig

  • Deepak Ganesan, UMass Amherst

  • Jie Gao, Stonybrook

  • Lew Girod, UCLA

  • Carlos Guestrin, CMU

  • Uwe Hanebeck, U. Karlsruhe

  • Thomas C. Henderson, Utah

  • Jennifer Hou, UIUC

  • Eddie Kohler, UCLA

  • Bhaskar Krisnamachari, USC

  • Koen Langendoen, TU Delft

  • Phil Levis, Stanford

  • Qun Li, College of William and Mary

  • Tom Little, BU

  • Julia Liu, PARC

  • Miklos Maroti, University of Szeged

  • Rich Martin, Rutgers

  • Suman Nath, Microsoft

  • Adrian Perrig, CMU

  • Kay Roemer, ETH

  • Gruia-Catalin Roman, WUSTL

  • Andreas Savvides, Yale

  • Gaurav Sukhatme, USC

  • Subhash Suri, UCSB

  • Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt

  • Andreas Terzis, JHU

  • Martin Wainwright, UC Berkeley

  • Kamin Whitehouse, UVa


  • Gaetano Boriello, University of Washington

  • Jeremy Elson, MSR

  • William Hodgkiss, UCSD

  • Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University

  • Rajesh Gupta, UCSD

  • Mark Hansen, UCLA

  • Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Chulalongkorn University

  • Gerald Maguire, KTH Stockholm

  • Lama Nachman, Intel

  • Michael Niedermayer, Fraunhofer IZM

  • Brendan O'Flynn, Tyndall Institute

  • Joseph Paradiso, MIT

  • Trevor Pering, Intel Research

  • Joe Polastre, Moteiv

  • Vijay Raghunathan, Purdue

  • Jim Reich, PARC

  • Brian Schott, ISI

  • Howard Shrobe, MIT

  • Eric Yeatman, Imperial College

  • Chris Van Hoof, IMEC

  • Frank Vernon, UCSD

  • Wayne Wolfe, Princeton

  • Adam Wolisz, TU Berlin

  • Kazuo Yano, Hitachi Research

  • Mark Yarvis, Intel

Paper Submission

Follow this link to register and submit a paper to the IPSN track. Note: This link is for the IPSN track only.

Follow this link to register and submit a paper to the SPOTS track. Note: This link is for the SPOTS track only.

Templates for formatting submissions

A paper must be original material that has not been previously published nor is currently under review by another conference or journal. Submitted papers should be no longer than 10 pages in ACM two-column format for conferences (see the template above). Note that the font size for submission should be 9pt. Papers that do not meet the requirements on size and format will not be reviewed. Authors should include their names on their paper submissions and do not need to obscure references to their existing work.

Using the default ACM style may produce papers in A4 (not US Letter) format. The problem happens with pdflatex not with latex. It can be fixed it by following the direction of the link The key changes are as follows.

When compiling a document using pdflatex (under the default installation of teTeX) the paper size (page size) may be set incorrectly if calls to the Vmargin or Vpage packages are used. To correct this you should perform the following modification: In pdftex.cfg ($TEXBASE/texmf/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg) remove or modify the lines:

page_width 210 true mm
page_height 297 true mm

So that they correspond to your desired default page size. An example entry for letter sized paper would read:

page_width 8.5 true in
page_height 11.0 true in


This conference and related workshops will be held on MIT campus. Many thanks to the Media Laboratory and Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT for their help in making the venues available.

IPSN 2007 has negotiated special rates for conference attendees at the Hotel @ MIT (about a 10-minute walk from the conference venue) and the Cambridge Marriott (about a 2-minute walk). Note: The number of rooms at the reduced price is limited and and they will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Attendees are recommended to book early.

Hotel @ MIT

20 Sidney Street
Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 1-617-577-0200
Toll Free: 1-800-222-8733
Fax: 1-617-494-8366

Amount: $209.00 + 12.45% in taxes, per night

Reservation Cut-Off Date: Sunday, March 25, 2007

Reservation Procedure:
Guests can secure their reservation by contacting the hotel directly at (617) 577-0200 or by e-mail Please inform the members of your group to request the IPSN 2007 room block in order to receive the group rate.

You may also reserve a room at the Hotel @ MIT online:

1. Go to

2. Click on Reservations (bottom left of screen) (this will redirect you to the website)

3. At the @ MIT website, select dates, smoking preferences, and bed type.

4. At group/convention code prompt, type IPS.

5. A reservation and confirmation code will be provided.

To avoid a cancellation fee or no-show fee of one night, reservations must be cancelled no later than 3:00 PM on the day prior to scheduled arrival.

Check-in / Check-out: Check-in is 3:00 PM or later and check-out is at 12:00 PM. All guests arriving before 3:00 PM will be accommodated as rooms become available. Our concierge can arrange to check baggage for those arriving early when rooms are unavailable and for guests attending functions on departure day.

PARKING: There is a garage attached to the hotel. The cost is $22.00 to Self Park with in and out privileges and $28.00 to valet park.

Note from organizers: don't rent a car; take a cab or the T.

Cambridge Marriott

Two Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA, 02142

Kendall Square @ Broadway & 3rd Street

Phone: 1-617-494-6600
Toll Free: 1-800-228-9290
Fax: 1-617-494-0036

Amount: $225.00 US + 12.45% taxes, per night

Dates: April 24/Tuesday, Apr 25/Wednesday, Apr 26/Thursday

Reservation Cut-Off Date: Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Reservation Procedure: Please make your reservation as soon as possible by contacting the hotel directly at +1-800-228-9290 or +1-617-494-6600. You must mention IPSN
2007 to get the special group rate.

PARKING: Valet parking facilities are available at a flat rate for hotel guests. The nightly rate of $25.00 is subject to change. Rates for self-parking facilities next to the hotel are currently $20.00 per night or $18.00 for twelve hours. The self-parking garage is not owned or operated by the Boston Marriott Cambridge Hotel.

Transportation to the Hotel

From the airport, take a taxi (about $25 including tolls). Or take the Silver Line (bus) from the terminal to South Station,
then take the Red Line to Kendall Square:

Note from organizers: don't rent a car; take a cab or the T.


Local Information

Boston offers unique historical charm and a wide array of activities to occupy your free time. There are many attractions that will be of interest to IPSN 2007 attendees. Here are just a few:

MIT Museum: Take a look at the research being done behind laboratory doors at MIT.

Museum of Science: Check out the new exhibits, planetarium, and laser shows.

Museum of Fine Arts: Filled with history and culture, this is one of Boston's most renowned museums.

New England Aquarium: Adopt a penguin, play with a sea lion, or watch for whales at Boston's famous aquarium.

Theatre District: Take in the latest show wowing theater-going audiences.

Historic Freedom Trail: Enjoy this 2.5 mile walk from Boston Common to the berth of the U.S.S. Constitution, including 18 of Boston's most famous historic sites.

Faneuil Hall Marketplace: Located in the heart of downtown, this is the nation's premier urban marketplace, with over 50 shops, 15 full-service restaurants, and over 30 food stalls.

To learn more about Boston, Massachusetts, check out these sites:; Boston Online.

Important Dates

Abstract submission 11:59pm PST, November 6, 2006
Paper submission 11:59pm PST, November 13, 2006
Notification January 29, 2007
Camera ready February 23, 2007
Early Registration Deadline April 3, 2007
Workshops and Tutorial April 24, 2007
Conference April 25-27, 2007



