Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04)

Sponsorship by IEEE Signal Processing Society and ACM SIGBED
in cooperation with the IEEE Communication Society and ACM Sigmobile
with support from NSF and DARPA

Third International Symposium
Berkeley, California, USA
April 26-27, 2004

Key Dates

Paper abstract submission:     October 27, 2003
Full manuscript due:               November 3, 2003 (firm deadline)
Acceptance notification:         February 9, 2004
Camera-ready copy:              February 25, 2004
Conference:                          April 26-27, 2004

STUDENT TRAVEL SUPPORT is available through NSF/DARPA funds. Interested applicants are referred to here for a detailed account. 

Along with a diverse program of technical papers, this year's IPSN includes several venues that highlight the state-of-the-art of sensor network applications and research. Dr. Jean Paul Jacob (IBM research), Dr. Pravin Varaiya (UC Berkeley) will deliver keynote speeches. Dr. P.R.  Kumar (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) will chair the panel composed of  Dr. Gary Shaw (MIT, Lincoln Laboratory), Dr. Deborah Estrin (UCLA), Dr. Sri Kumar (DARPA), and Dr. Kris Pister (Dust Inc./Univ.  of California at Berkeley).

Following the success of the first two Workshops (, the 3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks will bring together researchers from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss recent work in this emerging field.

Driven by advances in MEMS micro-sensors, wireless networking, and embedded processing, ad-hoc networks of sensors are becoming increasingly available for commercial and military applications such as environmental monitoring (e.g., traffic, habitat, security), industrial sensing and diagnostics (e.g., factory, appliances), critical infrastructure protection (e.g., power grids, water distribution, waste disposal), and situational awareness for battlefield applications.

Information processing in sensor networks draws upon many disciplines including signal processing/detection/estimation, networking and protocols, embedded systems, data bases and information management, as well as distributed algorithms. It opens up new research venues, which include sensor tasking and control, tracking and localization, probabilistic reasoning, sensor data fusion, distributed data bases, communication protocols and theory that address network coverage, connectivity, and capacity, as well as system/software architecture and design methodologies. Moreover, all these issues have to consider many cross-cutting requirements such as efficiency/cost tradeoff, robustness, self-organization, fault-tolerance, timeliness, scalability, and network longevity.

This Symposium will address issues from physical device design, to signal processing and from networking to coordination protocols. The Symposium will place special attention to revolutionary new applications that are enabled by sensor network technology.

Along with a set of high-quality technical papers, IPSN'04 will also include invited talks that highlight the state-of-the-art of sensor network applications and research. The Symposium program will include poster sessions that provide researchers with opportunity to discuss their evolving ideas and gather feedback from the sensor network community at large. The Symposium will also include industrial exhibition and demonstrations.



Call for Papers

Submission Guidelines

Technical Program

Guidelines for IPSN authors

Travel and Lodging


Student travel support


Driving directions and map to Berkeley